
Comparison of Egypt’s first bent pyramid and our PyraPOD – the two are so similar in shape

So glad to receive from our team member Corin Smith of this article on Egypt’s bent pyramid. According to this article, this bent pyramid is considered to be the transitional form of all pyramids in Egypt, with the step pyramids (a total of 4 found in Egypt) as the earliest form and the straight angled…


Our PyraPOD.Net Meeting Platform Works on All Devices – Video Tutorial Available

Note: This page (in fact the whole site) is set to display content in 4 languages: English, French, Simplified Chinese 简体中文 and Classified Chinese 繁體中文 (links are given for this particular page). Also see language switcher on site menu Question: Is there an easy and simple way to connect people so that they can interact,…


Our Own Community Networking Platform: First POD Meeting Truman Show Recorded

My apology for poor positioning of screen capture and sound control – I need to mute others when one is talking. First time doing all of this. That starts our Truman Show for our community and later on for the whole world! Take a look at the recorded video below, short first and then the…