Richard Nelson in Videos

SolaRoof 1991 above: inventor Richard Nelson explained how SolaRoof works

The above video was made by SolaRoof inventor Richard Nelson explaining how SolaRoof Coop works and how SolaRood PODs can help growers to have all climate greenhouses.

2020 above: Richard Nelson in a Zoom Meeting

Plant thriving since 1960Plant thriving since 1960

2015 above: Interview on Direction of the Heart hosted by Pete DeLorenzo and Mike Aloia

2015 above: Richard gave a talk on Earth Day April 22.

2020 above: an edited video based on a part 1 meeting recording in Andrew Williams Jr777’s YouTube channel, featuring Richard Nelson with others

2020 above: an edited video based on a part 2 meeting recording in Andrew Williams Jr777’s YouTube channel, featuring Richard Nelson with others

2020 above: an edited video based on a part 3 meeting recording in Andrew Williams Jr777’s YouTube channel, featuring Richard Nelson with others (first time for Aubrey to join in)

2020 above: an edited video based on a part 4 meeting